最喜欢的还是 the witness,太吃这种风格了,怪不得去年的《GOGOGO手机高清在线观看》也是喜欢的要死。另外一个中国风的狐妖故事也不错。beyond the aquila rift, shape-shifters, fish night, lucky 13也都是比较出彩的,最特别的应该还是zima blue了,精华液一区二区区别可以有太多解析的语义和空间,看之难忘。总之口味多多,总有一个击中你。
Sinners who art on earth, behold the masterpiece of horror! I can’t resist to make a philosophical reading of the film, helped on by Foucault. If the most evident level of dread stems from the possession of a sweet young girl by an ancient demon, another less obvious layer is much more significant. The movie starts by showing the child as bright, blooming, active - at most shaken up by her parents' recent divorce. As the doctors get more and more hold of her, kicking off with medication then moving forward with invasive, shocking tests & treatments, she gradually loses her self. As such, it's the cold, instrumental, dehumanizing gaze of the medical institution that is the most terrifying.
观剧体验顺畅,剧情紧凑,演技过关,人物生动。 好久没看到这样的古偶了,精华液一区二区区别每个人都不再脸谱化,千丝万缕痴缠纠结,都是复杂的。道义有多种脸孔,善恶亦无绝对。儒道墨,纵横捭阖,有铁骨有柔情,又颇有江湖气。 “所以啊是这江湖寂寥,终究还要白雪拂山岗。” p.s.梦兰把身契烧掉,把一辈子押在一个男人身上,狗屁豪赌,无法感动,我不理解,我不理解。